Saturday, 17 December 2011

Promosi Akhir tahun dan Awal tahun

Tawaran hebat bagi pelanggan Embun Kaseh Beauty Secrets!!!

Nikmati promosi Akhir tahun dan Awal tahun, 'Beli satu, Percuma satu' bagi rawatan muka di Embun Kaseh.. Anda akan mendapat satu rawatan muka percuma pada temujanji yang seterusnya.. 

Rawatan lain di Embun Kaseh

Friday, 16 December 2011

Exciting Student Package

At Embun Kaseh, we understand the challenges that our students patients through the year. The demand from school, sport, social interaction and family can cause high level stress on body and skin. 

In view of this dynamic, we have decided to formulate a specialty "Exciting Student Packageby three options:

Shakila Whitening Facial 
Only RM38 from RM88

Balinese Aromatherapy Body Massage
Only RM39 from RM78

Perming Eyelashes
Only RM21 from RM35

 Other treatment offered at Embun Kaseh:

Call 09-517 5705 or 016-922 3900 for booking.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Chocolate Sensation Therapy

Tahukah anda coklat mengandungi antioksidan yang dapat menjaga kesihatan jantung, menurunkan tekanan darah dan dapat menimbulkan perassan relax. Manfaat ke atas kulit berfungsi menjaga kelembutan, melembabkan, mengencangkan dan menghaluskan kulit. Juga melambatkan proses penuaan dan mencegah kedutan pada wajah.

Dapatkan "Chocolate Sensation Therapy" di Embun Kaseh Beauty Secrets yang merangkumi sauna, Bali massage, choco body scrub, choco body mask & choco bath..

Hanya RM 228 bagi ahli dan RM248 kepada bukan ahli..

Telefon 09-5173705 atau 016 9223900 untuk tempahan..

Monday, 5 December 2011


A place where body and spirit unite.
A place to indulge your senses.

A place to rejuvenate your body and stimulate your mind. 
A warm, tranquil sanctuary to replenish and restore your inner being

A journey to relaxation at @Embunkaseh Beautysecrets Spa

Call Now to make an Appointment! Tel: 09-5173705/016-9223900


 Mula mula guna set jerawat Putih Express (new product by Shakila Skincare)..

 After 1 week..tengok jerawat dah kering...

After 1 month, jerawat hilang...

TERUJA tak?? Jom ramai2 cuba trial set PUTIH EXPRESS by SHAKILA SKINCARE..another produk terbaru & terhangat di pasaran sekarang!!!


SET NORMAL RM 79.90( kulit normal)
SET LEMON 1 RM 89.90( kulit jerawat/kusam)
SET LEMON 2 RM 99.90( kulit matang/ jeragat)

Hasilnya terbukti hanya dengan 1 minggu penggunaan berterusan..

Call 09 - 5173705 / 016 9223900 untuk tempahan ..

Selamat Mencuba...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Coffee Body Scrub

"Coffee body scrubs make you look and feel slimmer, and younger, and can even give you that loving feeling. This natural body scrub is tough on wrinkle and cellulite."

Only HALF PRIZE (RM 44) at EMBUN KASEH on Friday, Saturday & Sunday...

Grab it now!!!! MAKE U FEEL GOOD..

Simple Review on Embun Kaseh

With name of Embun Kaseh & Anggun Diri, this spa started operating in 2007 at Complex Teruntum, Kuantan. It is to cater Kuantan increasing demand in beauty and wellness.

After 3 years operating, the owner started to expend its territory to Putra Square 3, Indian Town, Kuantan due to increasing demand and named the new spa with Embun Kaseh Beauty Secrets.

We believes in inner health brings out the external beauty.
Our target is to give 100% result oriented to our valued customers and educate them at the same time.

Last but not least, embrace beauty and wellness with us, at Embun Kaseh Beauty Secrets.